Who is Maegan Watson?

I’m a mom who will do anything it takes to be the best and bravest version of myself for my mission and my family.  My mission is to make the world a better place for women and children.  I found I can do that by supporting amazing heart-centered women with wardrobe.  I’m keenly aware that this work I do has nothing to do with the clothing and everything to do with the person we become in the clothing. Women are more influential than ever before in human history. We actually have the power to change the world through ourselves and through our children.  My job is to make sure that each day you know that you are brave and wonderful and capable.  


How do I know how to style?

I've been styling for close to a decade now and my personal struggle with style and getting dressed is what shaped how I support women now.  My story is that I always dressed well, looked good, got compliments but I was fighting hard on the inside with feeling good enough and really feeling like myself. My tendency, as it is with most women, is to be the supporter, to blend in, to work hard but never really ask or figure out what can I do for myself whether it’s emotionally, physically or spiritually to be the best and bravest version of myself. When I came to a point in my life when my health and happiness depended on it I started asking these questions and learned that who we are at our core underneath all the self doubt and criticism is the person with the values and the mission that the world NEEDS.  I also learned that this person can always be gently nudged out from hiding through our wardrobe.


How is watson style group different?


We are NOT a retailer like most online styling services.  We don’t use an algorithm to figure out your body type and send you a bunch of retail items to choose from.  We don’t pretend to be a personal stylist that’s really a sales associate behind a computer.

We ARE A VIRTUAL high touch, one-on-one styling service.  There is no one providing the level of service we do.  I wanted to create an online styling solution that suited the busy women we work with but also provided the highest level of styling possible.  The process is thorough, supportive, and like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.