Style statement: smart ease
effortless, sophisticated, approachable
Lisa's warm weather Lookbook
Leave blouse untucked Sweater optional- push sleeves up to elbow Belt optional- wear over blouse @ waist under sweater OR over sweater (buttoned x2 @ waist
Tuck in blouse, roll sleeves 2x Two shoe options Jacket optional Necklace under collar
Tuck shirt Necklace under collar, collar over jacket collar Jacket optional, roll sleeves 1x Two shoe options
Try blouse tucked in and out Sweater optional Two shoe options Belt optional
Leave blouse untucked Jacket optional Two shoe options- black sandals more casual
Tuck-in shirt Neckalce under collar Sweater optional- push sleeves up arm
Roll sleeves of blouse 2x Blouse tucked Belt @ waist Two shoe options Jacket optional- roll sleeves Jacket optional
Option to tuck shirt or leave out Leave sweater open, push/roll sleeves up arm