Cocktail Capsule

Look 1: Weekend, Dinner
Leather jacket is optional.

Look 2: Weekend

Look 3: Weekend
Sheer black tights and fur are optional.

Look 4: Casual Dinner, Bookclub

Look 5: Holiday, Dinner
Turtleneck is optional.

Look 6: Meeting, Casual Dinner, Book Club
Allow the collar and cuffs of your peach silk Everlane blouse to extend past the cream Brooks Brothers sweater.

Look 7: Meeting, Dinner, Book Club

Look 8: Dressy "After Work", Weekday Event

Look 9: Dinner, Casual Event

Look 10: Weekend, Dinner
Blouse goes under the dress. Cuff may be worn over the blouse sleeve. Fur is optional.

Look 11: Casual
The leather jacket is an option in lieu of the vest. Plaid blouse may be slightly tucked in to jeans to expose leather belt. Dress this up a bit by adding the bootie.

Look 13: Weekend, Dinner, Casual Event
Blouse should be tucked slightly in front to expose the belt. Fur is optional.

Look 14: Weekend, Dinner
Cuff may be worn over blouse sleeve.

Look 15: Weekend

Look 16: Weekend

Look 17: Weeknight Dinner, Casual Gathering

Look 21: Casual Event

Look 23: Everyday Casual
Necklace is optional

Look 24: Casual, Concert, Weekend
Denim shirt pairs over one of the turtlenecks.

Look 25: Casual Event, Dinner
Cuff may be worn over the sleeve of the black sweater dress.

Look 26: Casual Event, Holiday
Extend the blouse sleeves past the sleeves of the red cashmere wrap cardigan.

Look 28: Casual Event, Meeting
The white blouse is optional to pair under the green Vince sweater.

Look 29: Casual Event, Dinner, Meeting
The cuff can pair over the sweater sleeve.

Look 34: Cocktail