Fall/Winter 2017 Lookbook
Tights under skirt optional Twist back of tee, tuck into skirt waistband Two shoe options
Two shoe options No-show socks w/ sneakers Vest open Black tights w/ boots optional
Leave shirt untucked Pull sleeves thru sweater, roll 2x Two shoe options
Try tee tucked in- push sleeves up arm (sub any white tee if pictured unavailable) Jacket optional- cinch waist & roll sleeves 2x
Optional- layer shirt under dress Roll sleeves 2x, cuff dress sleeves 1x Jacket optional Brown/black tights optional
Two shoe options Shirt under sweater, roll sleeves of shirt 3x Vest over dress
Shirt under sweater, roll sleeves 3x Necklace under collar, over sweater Two shoe options
Vest over shirt over tee Roll sleeves of shirt 3x Two boot options Plaid shirt under t-shirt!