Click the + sign for more information next to each step. You're just a few steps away from your beautiful new wardrobe!

+ Step 1- Bookmark this page!

  • This page is important so be sure to bookmark it on your computer and smartphone for easy access. On this page, you will find all the instructions you will need while you work with us, and it will eventually be the home of your lookbook!

+ Step 2- Complete your intake forms

  • Intake forms are to be completed at least 72 hours prior to your wardrobe workshop.
  • Click here to complete your Intake forms
  • Some of the exercises in this form require pen, paper and a quiet mind. We recommend scheduling a block of time with yourself to hide away in a quiet room for completion. Nighttime, after everyone has gone to bed can be a great time!

+ Step 3- Review and sign your service agreement electronically

  • Check your email. You should have received an email from Hello Sign that will allow you to easily sign electronically!

+ Step 4 Complete your closet cure

  • Click here for instructions to edit your closet. We love for putting use to any clothing that doesn't bring you joy. Give Back Box is a free service go to their website for instructions!

+ Step 5- Wardrobe Workshop!

  • Your Watson Style Group Wardrobe Workshop is hosted on Zoom (video chat) 1) A few minutes before your call click on the link at the top of the page to hop on our video chat. If you haven't downloaded Zoom before prompted to do so. (It only takes a minute.) 2) Please attend our Zoom session from a computer (as opposed to a smart device). If you have a desktop we'll have you grab a few items from your closet during our session.
    3) Be prepared to try-on a few clothing items for your stylist. 4) Video Tips: It's a great idea to set your laptop on a stool in your bedroom or closet. When trying on your clothing be sure the computer isn't facing a window; that is, have any natural light be in front of you not behind you.

If you need any support with setting up Zoom please contact and we will help you through it.

+ Step 6 Try-on Session

  • All of your clothing will arrive a day or two before your session. All packages are delivered signature required, be sure to sign the missed delivery slip if you'd like your package left for you. You do not need to try anything on prior to your session but you are welcome to dig in! We know you're excited!
  • Your try-on session will be a video call via Zoom. Click the link at the top of the page to hop on.
  • Video Tips: It's a great idea to set your laptop on a stool in your bedroom or closet. When trying on your clothing be sure the computer isn't facing a window; that is, have any natural light be in front of you not behind you.


  • To ensure the BEST possible experience we ask you to be prepared and focused during our valuable time together. This means kiddos are occupied, plenty of time is buffered before and after our appointment, hair and makeup is complete. We do our best to estimate the length of our meetings together, but sometimes we have a lot to chat about or a lot of questions to answer.

+ Step 7 Send back returns & exchanges

  • Your stylist will email you a list of returns so you know exactly what to send back. We include a sticker return label in one of your packages. Place your return, along with any unwanted packing materials, in the large hanging box and affix the prepaid label.
  • We'll schedule a pick-up for you so you don't have to lug the box to the post office :)